
Disclaimer: the most important note about this blog, as with all my blogs, I intersperse facts (generally linked to source) with factoids (whatever they are, and unlinked), observations, and opinions in almost every post. It is pretty much impossible to separate fact from fiction on my posts/blog, but I have no hidden agenda (generally speaking). I am doing this simply for my benefit to help me better understand the Bakken revolution (a metonym). This is not for the general public and I prefer that no one else read the blog. But I post it publicly for a number of reasons which I may or may not explain later. If one does read the blog, feel free to comment (comments are heavily moderated). 

Disclaimer: this is not an investment site, but I often use "investment" sources. I have found that to better understand almost any subject, one must follow the money. That is most true when it comes to oil. Do not use this blog as a source of investment advice. 

Disclaimer: I have no formal background, training, or education in "oil" or business, at any level. 

Disclaimer: One can assume there will be content and typographical errors in every post on this blog. Please do not alert me to minor errors, such as minor spelling errors, but if there is a major error, please let me know as quickly as possible. The #1 typographical error on my blogs is typing "not" for "now" or vice versa. That's a biggie. Let me know immediately if you catch such an error. 

Disclaimer: I have no resources to do statistical analysis or in-depth analysis of any kind. My analysis is incredibly superficial.

Disclaimer: I am inappropriately exuberant about the Bakken revolution. Let's go, Brandon!

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